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Every dollar raised goes
directly to pay camp costs
Application is now open.
Please apply by May 15.
Does the SCF run a day camp? No. Children in the program attend any established day camp that their family chooses. The fund provides additional aid to help the family with the camp's tuition.
Who qualifies for this assistance?
Generally, Bergen County residents earning no more than 250% of the U.S. Federal Poverty Levels. For instance, in 2020, a family of four could earn up to $65,500 before taxes. Families with special considerations (families or children in distress, special needs, foster families, etc.) may have different (higher) income limits. Parent(s) or guardian MUST be working at the time of reward. If you are a two parent household, both parents must be working.
Child must register for four or eight-week session (family may register child before, during or after application for SCF assistance).
What ages of children qualify?
Children who are ages 3-12 on June 1 of the camp year.
What is the application process?
Fill out the online application before the due date.
If you have any questions about the program, eligibility, or anything else please fill out the contact form to indicate your interest in getting more information and hit SEND.
Someone from Bergen Volunteers will be in contact (usually within a week) to answer your questions and begin the application process.
That office will be your main contact throughout the process, as they determine if you are eligible for the program.
If you are not contacted within two weeks, you may wish to contact Bergen Volunteers at 201.221.4705. Ask for the Campership Program coordinator.
What kind of camps qualify?
Programs must fulfill all the following requirements:
Established summer day camp (child returns home at least four nights a week)
No discriminatory enrollment or hiring practices
Full day program (minimum six-hour day)
Enrollment of 25+
Four and/or eight-week sessions
Do sleep-away camps qualify?
No, the camp must be primarily a day camp (occasional sleep-overs as part of the day camp program are acceptable).
Can I use the assistance for a private babysitter?
No, only established day camps qualify.
Do religious programs qualify?
Yes, as long as they are established day camp programs with no acceptance restrictions.
Do programs for children with special needs qualify?
Absolutely, as long as they meet all other requirements.
Is there a guarantee that we will get assistance?
No, funds are limited. Apply early for your best chance of being accepted into the program.
We don't live in Bergen County, but our child attends camp there. Do we qualify?
No, the child's primary residence must be in Bergen County. .
How is financial assistance given?
A check is given directly to the day camp that the family designates. Checks are typically sent out the first week of July.
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